This beautiful woman is these photos is a muscial icon. Her name is Angela Bofill. Ms. Bofill has had many hits such as "I Try", "Tonight I Give In" and my favorite "Angel in the Night." I also got the pleasure of seeing her live twelve years ago. She was awesome by the way. But I am not making this entry because I am a admirer of Ms Bofill's body of work. I am writing because of something more tragic.
Recently I was peruzing the net I was reading that Ms Bofill suffered two strokes in 2006 and 2007. But this gets worse, Ms. Bofill is one of the millions uninsured Americans. She has a staggering figure of 50,000.00 worth of medical bills. When I read about this I was stunned I'm trying to figure a way in which to help. Ms Bofill does have a website here is the link.
Please visit the site and contribute.
Here is a few sample of Ms Bofills work.....Enjoy!!!!!