Poor President Obama,
He has been put thru the ringer. He has got right calling him Hitler and the left calling him spineless and wimpy. When in fact he is just the opposite and both sides know this. I am going to say this because this is my blog and I can say what I want.
Progressives people on the left and right wing hate this President. He is a black man, telling them what they need to do and they don't like it one bit. The progressive left acts as if he owes them something. When in fact it was them voting for that dummy Ralph Nader in 2000 that caused all of this in the first place. That is why Bush got into office because the whiny left acted like children and threw there vote in the garbage.
They like to say that they are the reason he is in office. Not so, Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians helped tremendously. We went into neighborhood where they could not and got out the vote. While they were crying over Hillary losing, we were diligently working for our future President. We understood what was ahead and we backed our president. We will be there again for him in 2012!!!
They are crying about Afghanistan. "When are we going to out!!!" Oh please, he told you what he was going to do in Afghanistan. He said it over and over again that he was going to escalate the war in Afghanistan and bring the troops home from Iraq. Healthcare was another issue. I would have loved to have HR67 pass. But it is just not practical for right now. What we got was better than what we had, which was nothing. Once once we have this exchange in place for a little while then we can move to single payer healthcare.
Now as for the right!! what can I say about the right wing. They have lost their minds completely. We have crying Glen Beck, Rush the Racist, Savage Micheal Savage, and Old silly Sarah Palin plus a whole host of wanna-bees rounding out the cast.
At first I laughed at these people, then several things happened that shook me to the core. A man walks into a Museum and shoots an African American security guard for no reason. Why because he listened to these knuckle heads I just mentioned. The second incident was the man who walk into a church on Sunday morning and shot an abortion doctor. Why, because Bill O'Reilly called the doctor a baby killer and wished several times on the air that he was dead. Thirdly, a man flies a Piper Jet into an IRS building in Texas, killing one employee and injuring several other employees. His reason, he stated that the IRS was "treading" on him and didn't want to pay his taxes.
The right wing has no reason to be angry AT ANYONE, period!!!! They are angry because there time is running out. This is a last ditch effort to have their poor working conservatives duped one more time into fighting a rich man's war. These people are out screaming about having Healthcare. Guess what, most of them did not have health care coverage for themselves. How silly and blind can you be. Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity and Sarah Palin don't give a flying flip about you. If they were told that they would get richer being a liberal they would drop you faster than a New York minute.
It's not just silly season on television, it's now silly season in the congress as well. Michelle Bachmann is a shit stirrer. She knows all of the ugly things she says about the President is wrong, but she doesn't care. How reckless. Ms Bachmann is not stupid as she looks, she is a very shrewd politician which make her very dangerous.
Well I say all of this to say this. My progressive friends, you know what side your bread is buttered. So act like you have some sense. Back your man and he will back you. You have not gotten this far in so little time, hang in there have a little bit more faith it will pay off in dividends. The working poor conservatives wake the hell up. You are being used like a two dollar hooker. Stop letting the rich treat you like you are there bull dogs. You work hard, we want you to have the best life possible. Realize we are all in this together. This is not about Black and White. This is about rich and poor and getting what is rightfully ours.