Thursday, March 27, 2008

Hillary always in some mess!!!!

I make no secret that I am for Barack Obama. I liked Hillary ok, she wasn't my first choice because of her War vote in 2003. But, I would have given her the benefit of the doubt being that the Clinton years were very good to our family. The primaries started, some of us were waiting for Al Gore come and "rescue" party I was one of them. As time went on that didn't happen, so I was resigned to believe that this was a coranation of Hillary Clinton and everyone else were just back drops.

Then Iowa happened. To say the least I was stunned. I remember William Bennet on CNN that night stating to the Obama camp "watch your knees!!!." I laughed, oh it'll be just some polictical jousting but nothing earth-shattering. Boy was I wrong!!!!! What I witnessed is what Keith Olberman states as "Democrat on Democrat crime." Every week since South Carolina primaries, she been not only throwing the kitchen sink she threw the whole damn house at him.

I started looking, like what the hell is the matter with her and Bill. They have no dignity, no sense of anything...Damn y'all!!!! Come on people!!! Do they not realize what they are doing. They are tearing the party to pieces. Several events come to mind and here is how I translate events.

1. Bill Clinton stating that Senator Obama won SC basically because Jesse Jackson won in SC 1984 and 1988. Translation: We voted for him because he was black.

2. Nevada caucas law suit. Translation: All you waiters and cooks don't need to vote. Git ya asses back ta work!!!!

3. Michigan and Florida "Disenfranchisement". Translation: So what if my name was the only one on the ballot, My name is the only one that counts, bitches!!!!

4. Letter to Speaker Pelosi. Translation: Do you know who you fuckin' wit ho!!!

5. Bosnia, I mispoke. Translation: So what I lied, KICK ROCKS!!!

6. Carville called Richardson a "Judas" Translation: Ey esse, you betta watch yo back homes...

More to come...hope not ....


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