Monday, June 16, 2008

Timothy J. Russert, Journalist 1950-2008

Friday while riding in the hot sun from Williamsburg around 3:30 it was announced that Timothy J. Russert of "Meet the Press" past away. Mr. Russert was a fixture on Sunday morning for me. He was meticulous in the interviewing of his guest. While listening to the accolades from his colleagues about how he studied for every subject he interview, they were utterly amazed at how he performed his craft. Very moving to say the least.

Now what I was thinking was, okay, if Mr Russert does HIS homework, what are the rest of the journalist doing. Most of them basically said they wait from him to do his work then copy him. It gives me the image of the smartest kid in the class is taking the exam and the entire class is looking over his shoulder. Now the smartest kid in the class is gone, now what!!!!

What I would suggest for those who would like to honor Mr. Russert is to re-commit yourselves to finding the truth, expose the frauds in our society, raising a more informed electorate. Make a habit of doing the research and asking the right question instead spouting talking points. Take the time to think about the opinions you are shaping, Like Mr Russert thought of his father when he interviewed his subject.

Mr Russert was a Journalist, Newsman in the truest sense of the word. For that he will be sorely missed.


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Anybody but HER.....

I wrote yesterday that Clinton had Senator Obama in a tight spot. After last night not any more. There are a few matters to examine to not place her on the ticket. Most of the so called "Weakness" of the Obama campaign. I will break these myths down one by one and give you the facts.

Obama can't get the working white vote in Ohio, PA, WV, KY: false


1. The Rush Limbaugh factor, that counts for about 5-10% of her "hard working class white vote.

2. Most of the white working vote didn't start to peel off from the Senator until Ohio and Texas primary, which is when Rush put out his call.

White women are so upset about treatment of Clinton they won't vote for Obama. False


1. Soccer Moms who have not voted Democratic in two political elections cycles.

2. Those women who stated that they would not vote for the Senator have not been voting us in the first place.

Senator Obama has a Hispanic problem - Terry McAuliffe. False


1. The hispanic states Nevada, Texas, New Mexico and California were mostly too close and he actually got more delegates out some of those states.

2. The only reason why he lost in Puerto Rico is that he was not that widely known.

Senator Obama can win POTUS with out her, and it would be the best thing for him to pick someone else. Not another women, but a border line Republican or a blue dog democrat.
Ex. Chuck Hagel, Mike Bloomberg, or Jim Webb.


Tuesday, June 3, 2008


BARACK OBAMA IS THE NOMINEE FOR THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY!!!!!! He is the first African American to have this title.....I am so proud of him tonight. Who would have known in August 2004 that this would happen... Here is the speech that set it OFF!!!!!