Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Angel of the Night....A Tribute

This beautiful woman is these photos is a muscial icon. Her name is Angela Bofill. Ms. Bofill has had many hits such as "I Try", "Tonight I Give In" and my favorite "Angel in the Night." I also got the pleasure of seeing her live twelve years ago. She was awesome by the way. But I am not making this entry because I am a admirer of Ms Bofill's body of work. I am writing because of something more tragic.
Recently I was peruzing the net I was reading that Ms Bofill suffered two strokes in 2006 and 2007. But this gets worse, Ms. Bofill is one of the millions uninsured Americans. She has a staggering figure of 50,000.00 worth of medical bills. When I read about this I was stunned I'm trying to figure a way in which to help. Ms Bofill does have a website here is the link.
Please visit the site and contribute.
Here is a few sample of Ms Bofills work.....Enjoy!!!!!

Single Payer Healthcare in the US...Reprise

I was just listening to Randi Rhodes today ran across commerical. This is a website that is lobbying for Single Payer healthcare. This is a law that healthcare industry are trying to block.

Read about, get the information and volunteer.

Freedom ain't free


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Think about it

Clinton supporters and the true Democratic principle.

You all TRULY need to rethink this notion of voting for McCain. Obama supporters need to listen as well. The only people that speaking defecting to the McCain are not Democrats. They are Rush Bo phonies that we have allowed to infiltrated our primary process. Don't let these people manipulate you.

Most of you are young; this is your first experience. However I have sat through Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush I, Clinton and Bush II. I've seen this country go through it's peaks and valleys. I've seen good candidates go down over media hype and lies. I have NEVER thought I would never see a looming food shortage, financial crisis where Americans are literally living off of their credit cards.

This is way too important. I read your posts, your passion, your pain. I am with you. We can't afford to bury another soldier, another family homeless, more loss of freedom for the sake of false sense of security. Read the principle we stand for. JUSTICE, FREEDOM and EQUALITY. I beg you; please go to the DNC website. Http://
