Saturday, September 27, 2008

No Excuses.....Not this time

Their no excuses for not voting this year. NONE GOT IT!!!!! The voter registration ends in VA on Oct 6th. But in some states you can register early and vote and the same time. Here is the link for for all states .

COLLEGE STUDENTS PLEASE PLAN TO VOTE ABSENTEE OR VOTE EARLY IN YOUR HOME STATE!!!! So, drop in on Moms and let wash your clothes while you vote. She might like the idea so much you might get a home cooked meal out of the deal....sweet!!!!!

What ever you do not go to work or school on November 4th. Call in sick, plan a personal day, go into your vacation calendar at work schedule that day OFF!!!! Make a national holiday of biblical proportions KNOW WHAT I'M SAYIN'!!!! MAKE IT HAPPEN CAPT'N

If you vote early help out at the polls....Those of us that have Mini-Vans and SUV's give a senior citizen or single mother in your neighborhood a lift to the polls.

CAUSE IF YA DON'T this will be the result....

We will all be looking real STUPID .....

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